Frontier Systems

Many come to the frontier because their untamed reputation, which has become romanticized on many of the core worlds. What they find here are rugged, barely developed worlds where survival can be a struggle. Other worlds that were colonized by the Stellar Imperium had government resources to help cope with the dangers, but the Frontier Systems were only beginning the process of development when the Stellar Imperium fell. Resources are scarce and the ability to deal with threats is practically nonexistent. Entire settlements are sometimes wiped out with little warning because of previously unforeseen dangers, like disease, previously unknown lifeforms, or hazards from space. Those who live on the frontier must rely on their own wits and ingenuity.

Many who relocate here do so because they belong to organizations that are not widely accepted in the core worlds and they seek to find places where they can operate without interference. Many militant organizations find safe harbors here where they can run training camps without notice.

Despite the harsh conditions, most races are interested in settling this region of space. The Lamagos still seek a new world to settle. Humans are interested in expanding commerce into this area. The Tallinites seek to maintain a presence out here for no reason other than that they wish to maintain their status as a major power. Other races are not as focused with their interests, but many individuals have made their way out here nonetheless.

Since most of the Frontier Systems have relatively small populations and an even smaller corporate presence, there is a great deal of work for privately owned freighters. A man, a ship, and some hired hands could make a lucrative living transporting passengers and supplies from one world to the next. Establishing a good reputation among the various people one has dealings with is vital; a cargo hauler who starts cheating their clients would soon not only find themselves hard pressed for jobs, but also hunted by assassins and bounty hunters.


Chersi – Gas Mining Platforms

Planet Type: Gas giant
Color: Purple and white striped with swirling storms
Equatorial Circumference: 72,649 miles
Planetary Diameter: 23,125 miles
Major Industry: Gas mining
Government Type: Democracy
Population: 4,690,900
Rotation: 16 hours
Orbit: Approximately 1 Earth year

While Chersi is inhabited by a variety of people, the primary cultures are Human and Lamagos. A small but growing population of Tallinites also call this world home. Chersi is relatively small compared to many of the worlds chosen for gas-mining. It is rich in hydrogen and it is extremely efficient — the smaller size requires the anti-gravity generators supporting the mining platforms to expend less energy. Many gas miners consider this an easy world to work, so it is a popular destination for those who don’t mind being so far away from the core worlds.

Due to the greater efficiency and the most modern equipment in use on this world, it is one of the more profitable fuel-producing worlds in known space. The wealth of credits are largely absorbed by the shareholders of the Frontier Hydrogen Corporation, but the workers here enjoy higher wages than those on most other gas-mining worlds. The government, likewise, faces few challenges, though this system is a popular target for raiders. Chersi employs mercenaries to provide for their defense.


The great purple and white swirling ball known as Chersi looks an unlikely candidate for hydrogen mining. Much smaller than most other gas giants – barely three times the size of Earth – is seems, at first glance, to be an unstable and highly dangerous location on which to extract the gas critical for space travel. Yet, Chersi is actually one of the most efficient and profitable producers of hydrogen in the known galaxy. Here numerous mining platforms extract this vital gas using not only the most advance techniques and modern equipment the former Imperium could provide, but it also faces far less overheads, both in terms of maintaining the platforms and providing a much more easily refined product than most.

But for all of the profits Chersi now provides, the decision to begin construction of this facility was ‘touch and go’ to say the least. Project Certia – the name given to the project to build of mining platforms around Chersi – was begun in the later days of the Stellar Imperium. Originally a multi-corporation project, the rapid deterioration of the Imperium, combined with the scrambling takeover of numerous corporate structures by various political and military organisations after its fall, saw the capital investment needed to complete the mines quickly diminish. In fact, it was only after much frantic discussion by a number of smaller companies that the project finally completed, and a new amalgamated conglomerate created to manage it – Frontier Hydrogen Corporation (FHC).

Still, the complete collapse of the Imperium could have still signalled the doom of Chersi and it is the planet’s profitability that sees it remain a financially viable producer of hydrogen despite its location in the Frontier Systems. Now, as many other organisations begin to take over the responsibilities once deemed the exclusive domain of the Stellar Imperium, FHC finds that it has little trouble in finding customers for its product, and has never had to resort to the price cutting, espionage or political pressuring, undertaken by other hydrogen producers. In fact, Chersi is so profitable that it offers considerably higher wages than many other mining facilities; a draw-card that has resulted in it now being staffed by some of the most well-trained and experienced staff in the known galaxy, despite the rather ‘functional’ living arrangements on the platforms. The increase in staff quality has also brought about other changes, with FHC opening up a number of positions on its ruling board to the miners – although only the richest and most influential that have any real chance of being elected.

While the shareholders of FHC are situated on numerous plants across the known galaxy, the governing board – currently chaired by Thomas Gray, a Human from a wealthy mining family – regularly meets onboard the largest platform on the planet, Certia (so named after the original project). Here they determine the development and production of each mine, discuss increases in costs and charges, and deal with any other issues facing the complex. While these meeting are usually amicable, recently tensions around the table have increased as the discussion turns to the mounting cost of mercenary forces to protect the planet and the recent influx of Tallinites to the platforms.

This increase in ‘immigrants’ worries more than just the governing board. Although less than two decades in existence, Certia and its sister platforms had soon become the almost exclusive domain of Human and Lamag workers. While these two races had always had some level of tension between them, their cultural and physical similarities meant that they soon banded together when faced with the mounting chaos throughout the known galaxy. Now, however, with the Tallinites arriving in ever more numbers, this traditional alliance is beginning to crack – some welcoming the new comers for their expertise and knowledge, while most opposing them in fear of change and the loss of tradition. As for the Tallinites, their move to Chersi has not been an easy one either, with many forced from their home on Tallin after the death of their Queen. Lost and destitute – both financially and culturally – these Tallinites have attempted find a new planet to settle on. When the initial refugees arrived on Certia, they found a place in which their particular skills could be utilised, and quickly called others to join them.

Although the actual numbers of Tallinites is not yet a quarter of the Humans and Lamagos, their natural hive/communal mentality, which is extremely pronounced for those who have lost their queen, has created something of an imbalance on the platforms. Further to this, many of these new comers have been bred as miners, which only increases the animosity between the two sides; especially when Human or Lamag work is assigned to one of the ‘Ants’ – as the locals derogatorily call them.

While most causal observers are unlikely to notice these tensions, battle lines have recently been drawn for both sides. Veteran Human miner, Hercule Bomkamp has arisen as the leader of the Human/Lamagos coalition, and under his leadership an increasing number of non-Tallinites have started to voice their concerns about the complexes’ future. Opposite to this is Cur’tek’reen, a Tallinite who was one of the first of the new influx to arrive on Chersi. ‘reen has convinced many Tallinites that they must stand united and strong in the mines, to ensure they don’t end up as eternal refugees amongst the stars, and while he personally doesn’t advocate violence, some of his supporters are not so inclined. While most of the planet’s population have opinions that sit somewhere between these two extremes, as time passes more and more of the miners have begun to gravitate towards one extreme or the other.

The recent influx of people – be they Tallinite, Human or Lamagos – has increasingly stretched the resources of the security forces employed to protect the Chersi system. This company of mercenaries, known as Cheri Defence Force (CDF), is an ever changing collection of ex-Imperium pilots and soldiers employed to protect the platforms and the shipping routes into and out of the system. Facing pressure from both internal sources – the political and social pressures of the changing racial dynamic – and external threats – with raiders increasing in number and becoming bolder in their attempts to capture hydrogen shipments – the CDF is finding it increasing difficult to employ experienced and respectable men and women.

Retired Admiral Adduran Luccria, a Lamago with a long history in the Stellar Imperium’s navy, has recently been hired to restructure and rebuild the Defence Force, but has discovered that the influence of the board and its members only goes so far on the mining platforms. Facing with the possibility of some serious disruption with the mine’s core production – both due to the internal tensions and increased raider activity – few can guess as to what she many be forced to do to ensure the shareholders’ investments are kept safe.

To add to Lucria’s woes, the planet’s Platform Administrators – those elected officials run the individual platforms are equally as split on how to deal with the issues facing the planet, especially in regards to the Tallinite question. On Certia, Administrator Crane seems oblivious to the ongoing problems, while those on Gadma, Kerta, and Vartos have openly expressed their support for the Human/Lamag faction. Only on Ternic, where Administrator Laurant was recently elected, has the opinions of Cur’tek’reen been accepted. This, of course, has just added to the tension the entire mining facility faces, with many of Bomkamp’s supporters believing that Laurant should be brought into line, or face sanctions and increased costs. In the governance board’s view, this type of disruption could well be fatal to the Chersi’s profitability, especially in light of Ternic’s increasing high profit ratio (which has only but increased since the new Administrator took office).

But while the ‘petty’ infighting on Chersi might be of immediate concern to those on and around the planet, to outside observers other factors are becoming more pressing. Like all Hydrogen mining planets, Chersi relies on the open market to provide all its resources, from food and water, through to raw materials for the repair and maintenance of its systems. In general, the fall of the Imperium has seen the costs of the basis needs of all races increase dramatically, and while Chersi is in the position to ensure that its hydrogen output and prices matches these, it is only a matter of time before its distance from the remaining major worlds will start to see it incur losses. Of more worry, however, are the technical needs of the mining platforms. When Project Certia was begun, the most advance computers and technology was utilised to ensure that it could be completed in a reasonable (and profitable) manner. With the fall of the Imperium, much of this cutting edge technology is no longer readily available, and as the systems on Chersi edge ever nearer to full service and replacement, the ability to maintain the platforms starts to look ever more difficult.

Combined, these two issues might quickly overwhelm the internal struggles that seem to be the focus of much of Chersi’s troubles, and only time will tell as to what the board or Admiral Luccria will react when it comes to future of the mines.

Dranya – Frozen Wasteland

Planet Type: Terrestrial
Climate: Mostly frozen
Equatorial Circumference: 18,000 miles
Planetary Diameter: 5,730 miles
Major Industry: Research and development
Government Type: Democracy
Population: 52,380,000
Rotation: 16 hours
Orbit: Approximately 1 Earth year

Dranya is a world of snow and ice, which seems immune to melt-offs, or seasons of any kind. The atmosphere is breathable, but barely tolerable to most species because of the extreme cold. The most complex life on this planet is bacteria, which is what produced the oxygen — nitrogen atmosphere millions of years ago. The vast majority of the population of Dranya is located in the domed city of Hope, where the most common industry is the research and development of new and more devastating energy weapons for a variety of purposes.

Dranya’s government is a democracy in name only. The Wintic Corporation owns the industry on this planet and it funds only candidates that share their goals and priorities. In fact, the corporation would likely take direct control over the entire world if not for the fact that it considers providing for the populace to be a total waste of resources. They feel that it is better to have people fund such things with the money they are paid in wages.


There are few places colder than the planet of Dranya; a world of ice and snow, it seems immune to seasons of any description. Discovered more by chance than good planning, Dranya probably should have been one of those planets that Imperium ignored, except as a place in which they could ‘dispose’ of any unwanted individuals. In fact, it wasn’t until the Imperium’s contract with the Wintic Corporation came up for renewal in 2638 was the idea of colonising Dranya seriously considered. However, after the unfortunate Bilgottie accident on Sangor in 2634, it become obvious that for Windic to continue its relationship with the ruling government, it would need somewhere safe from prying eyes to conduct its research.

Why Dranya was chosen, especially in light of the massive expense and immense cost of setting up on the planet has never fully been explained. Some speculate that the Imperium had hoped that Windic would simply find working in such conditions nigh impossible and ‘shut up shop’, while others think that Windic itself petitioned for the planet, hoping that its location and natural conditions would ensure that Imperium representatives would limit their interference in the corporations, some time suspect, research. Whatever the reason, Windic (and in no small part the Imperium) spent many years and a vast amount of resources in building Hope, a domed city protected from the planet natural environment.

Then again, if a corporation did want to create a place where no one wanted to visit, then they chose perfectly. The weather on Dranya can only be describes in two ways cold or windy. The location of the planet, and its natural terraforming processes has resulted in it being swathed with numerous semi-permanent storms all year round. Both the intensity and frequency of these massive blizzards isn’t helped by Dranya almost perfectly circular orbit and gravitational effects exerted on it by the system’s aging star Durus. With such factors against it, it seems strangely fortunate that that planet developed a breathable atmosphere at all. However, if anything miraculous could be said about Dranya, then it is the wonders that seem to be occurring at a microbiological level all across the planet. Literally overwhelmed by bacteria, all of which displays more life and diversity than almost any other planet in the known galaxy, it makes scientist wonder just what the planet might develop into in the next few billion years. Amazingly, this bacterium seems not only responsible for the creation of the oxygen-nitrogen balance on the planet, but also seems to have some influence on the continual cooling of the planet despite its relatively short distance from Durus. While not much research has been conducted in this bacteria – Windic is reluctant to sponsor research where little or no immediately financial gain is readily identified – what little has been achieved has resulted in stunning, if highly controversial theories. Doctor Silliquios Quarl, a Relarran scientist with a somewhat chequered past, has claimed to have found genetic code markers on some of the more populous types of bacterium – meaning, is his opinion, that some if not all of the life native to Dranya has actually been artificially ‘made’. Yet, despite such bold claims, the Doctor and his research team have refused to; as yet, release any of his work for review.

While Quarl’s claims have, for the most part, been rejected by his peers, evidence of such manipulation could account for the recent discover of ruins under one of the largest ice sheets in Dranya’s Northern Hemisphere. To date these ruins have only been visited a handful of times, the cost of such an expedition, combined with Windex’s reluctance to allow anyone not directly contracted to the corporation access to the planet, meaning that few experts are willing to undertake such an exploration. One of those who has taken the time to examine some of the more accessible ruins is Sangorian Archeologist Wirous Wirous, who, has a result of these studies, has postulated that these remains could well be signs of some earlier Giaeti habitation. Of course, until a full expedition and some serious funding were made available to Wirous, any such theories remain just that… theories.

Meanwhile, in Hope, the only official settlement on Dranya, ‘real’ scientists undertake ‘real’ work, or so they would like you to believe. This massive domed city is home to just over fifty thousand souls, most of who are involved in the research and development of new and ever more devastating energy weapons for a variety of purposes.

Windic constructed Hope to withstand anything the planet could throw at it, and while it has been tested on many occasion, is yet to be breached. The dome, which reaches upwards of a thousand metres at its highest point and has a diameter of nearly 5 thousand meters, is constructed of high grade material similar to those used on ship-board viewing windows. This material, allows only light to pass through it, while ensuring a high level of insulation against the cold.

The city is supported by three main generators, utilising both geothermal and heat condensing power planets – amazingly, even in the coldest place in the known galaxy, heat and by extension power, can be drawn from the atmosphere – and numerous smaller sites. These systems are in turn maintained by numerous engineers and support staff, who battle the ferocious winds and freezing temperatures every day to keep these important lifelines intact; it is obvious to all that the loss of these plants, especially the largest, would spell disaster to all of Hope.

But these systems are just one of many mechanisms that ensure the city continues with its primary function. High above the dome, in a geosynchronous orbit is Windic Three, a small, but well equipped space station. From here, many of the planets administrative functions are untaken, from predictably enough, weather forecasting, through to logistics and quartermastery for the city. Strictly controlled by officers of Windic, all visitors to Hope must pass through the station, to be scanned and have documentation certified before being shuttled down planet–side. In light of the weather, trips to the planet are irregular and often rough, an aspect that, undoubtedly, Windic finds to it benefit, given the politician and economic situation within the domed city.

Gaining access to Dranya and Hope has always been difficult, doubly so since the fall of the Imperium. As a world created specifically as a research and development location, Windic has always looked to employ scientists and technicians who are not only the best within their respective fields, but also have the morals to ensure that it has little in the way of objectors within its midst. In the last 5 years, the number of applicants applying for positions on the planet has more than tripled, and as a result the pressure on the researchers currently contracted by the corporation has also increased – resulting in rising levels of tension and unease amongst the various development teams.

These tensions are not allayed by recent changes in Windic policy, including the dramatic reduction in support for its employees and contractors. Where in the past Windic provided excellent levels of care in the basics of life – food, water and accommodation – the influx of scientists looking for work has seen these decrease to the point where individuals are now responsible for their own essentials – which given the planet’s remote location and variable supply chain can be both challenging and expensive, and has seen the rise of a popular and fast growing black market.

The changes to Windic policy, however, was supposed to have been countered by the introduction of a democratic council – made up of some of the leading minds on the planet. This group, known officially as The Representative Scientists of Dranya and the Hope Ecological Dome – a typically long winded name that is often ignored by outsiders and those not elected to it – is more commonly referred to as simply the Council, and is technically responsible for the control of non-research orientated goods and supplies in Hope. However, as most scientists are barely able to fend for themselves in the best of circumstances, and more over, refuse to allow anyone not currently heading a level 3 or above Windic project (including the engineers and support staff who would be much more suited to such logistical tasks) to stand for election, the Council barely keeps the Dome running. Not that this democratically elected group would, in all reality, be able to do much if they did eventually organise themselves to ‘operate effectively’ – in any sense of the word. The truth of the matter is that Windic has invested a great deal of time and money in Dranya and Hope, and is loathed to allow any other group to make decisions that would effect this; especially, to quote an unnamed senior Windic board member, “to a crazed group of ‘boffins’ who would just as likely attempt to turn the dome into some ideological ‘paradise’ or, in more probability, blow themselves, and billions of credits worth of investments, up!” As such, through their operatives on Windic Three, the corporation holds tight the reins on the planet, its resources and personnel.

Of course, the tighter Windic becomes the more that slips through its fingers. Since the fall of the Imperium, Hope has become the scene of numerous acts of corporate espionage, which seem to be on the rise. While the corporation might be of the opinion that the majority of the Dranya’s population are simply ‘resources’ to be used and discarded as required, Hope is full of very intelligent, and very resourceful individuals. The opportunities to sell secrets to Windic’s rivals, or allow them access to secure system is coming to be seen as just another way of making enough money to keep one in their ‘rightful’ position in an environment of decline and pressure. Of course, others see it more in terms of Windic getting their ‘just deserts’ after the treatment the corporation has given them.

It goes without saying, however, that the punishment being caught for such acts is not very nice at all and more than one researcher has disappeared late at night, only for their team to be told that they ‘had to leave the world urgently’, by representatives of Windic. Such acts by the corporation do little to enhance its standing with the scientist and workers, but truth be told, they have little choice in a galaxy that seems intent on self-destruction.

Eisui – Paradise Found

Planet Type: Terrestrial
Climate: Warm and humid
Equatorial Circumference: 18,718 miles
Planetary Diameter: 5,958
Major Industry: Manufacturing
Government Type: Socialist
Population: 48,628
Rotation: 26 hours
Orbit: Approximately 1 Earth year

Inhabited almost entirely by Humans and Relarrans, this world is mostly water, with landmasses making up approximately ten percent of the planet’s total surface. Relarrans live in the oceans and manufacture several items that are useful to the other Frontier Systems, such as agricultural equipment, small and medium ground transport vehicles, and personal electronic devices. Most Humans fish as their primary occupation; the vast majority of their catch is then exported to other worlds. An uneasy peace exists between the Relarra and the Humans, though it is well known that the Relarra feel that the oceans are being overfished. Some suspect that these tensions will rise as the Humans attempt to increase their harvest sizes in an effort to be more profitable.

The government on this planet is small and ineffectual. It is composed of a council of twenty and has an equal number of Humans and Relarrans. Despite their attempt at government, only the most rudimentary legal system has been established and it is rife with corruption. Taxes are only two percent, which leaves the government with so little funding that it is unable to provide for the welfare of the people, though it does try. Most money collected is redistributed to provide food for the impoverished.


The blue ball that is the planet Eisui was one of the first Frontier planets to be colonised. While this warm and humid world, consists mostly of salt-filled seas (with only about 10 percent of its surface being habitable landmasses), it was looked upon as a haven those looking to free themselves from the will, and power, of the Imperium. Populated by almost exclusively by an equal number of Relarrans and Human, it still is a great sanctuary from the conflicts of the galaxy at large.

First discovered over a hundred years ago, unnamed and rarely visited, it began its Imperium life as a simple way point for Relarran ships exploring the fringes of the known galaxy. With the changes in Relarran homeworld politics in the early 26th Century, however, it was finally christened ‘Eisui’ – the Relarran word for a concept that denotes a life of peace and wealth – as those attempting to escape the increasingly capitalistic prerogatives looked for a better, simpler life away from their homeworld. Lead by Honras Keihom, a long time democratic representative on the Relar, the colonists began the long journey to their new home. To differentiate themselves from those left behind, the group started to call themselves Tarlon – or the ‘free and willing’ – after the traditional  Relaaran saying ‘Comlish Tarlon’ (which translated roughly means ‘I will help, as I am free and willing too’).

The rise of the Tarlon coincided with another group’s struggle for freedom; in this case humanity’s freedom for religious practice. In the late 2500s, a small offshoot of Earth’s dominant religion began in protest to the ever increasing ties of their faith to the Imperium, as well as humanity’s seemingly unceasing demand for personal gain. This sect, dubbed the Isolationists or Isos by those who observed its formation, centred on Indira Giri, a strong willed Sister who had previously offered aid to those in the slums of Earth most depressed cities. Seeing what came of humanity’s obsession with money, technology and the Imperium, she petitioned her superiors to return their order to the task of ensuring mankind’s eternal soul. Ignored by those with power – the bonds between the hierarchy within the Imperium and faith had become in their eyes inexorably intertwined by centuries of partnership – she instead found that her ideals rang true with many of those directly affected by the policies of the Imperium and its determination to rule the stars.

As can be expected, such outspoken attitudes towards the Imperium were not looked upon lightly and quickly, political pressure built to declare the rapidly growing Isos sect a cult. Facing a no-win situation, Sister Giri and her most devote followers decided to look off world for a planet where they would be free of the influence of the Imperium and its ‘suspect’ morals. No-one is quite sure how the Isos sect and Tarlon came together, but between them they set their sights on Eisiu.

It took more than a year for the collation to reach Eisiu, discovering planetside everything they had ever wanted; the Rellarans populating the seas, the humans cultivating the land. And although both factions had originally agreed to maintain separate governments, and systems of laws, they soon realised that unless some united administration was set in place then any real control of the planet – especially in regards to the Stellar Imperium’s interests – would be lost.

This group, known now as the Committee of Affairs, numbers only twenty and is responsible for the collection of taxes (which are barely sustainable 2% for all Eisiuians), and distribution of goods and services to those unable to support themselves across the entire planet. The Committee has an equal number of representatives from the Tarlon and Isos, and although these positions were created to be democratically allocated, the seats have most recently been subject to a considerable amount of political ‘manipulation’. While the destruction of the Imperium had little direct effect on the people of Eisiu, a few more power hungry individuals within each organisation have realised the potential benefits of ‘controlling’ an entire planet – despite the lack of monetary wealth the Committee actually possesses.

But such change is not new on Eisiu. While the planet may have been colonised by groups looking to take on a new life with freedoms for all, the reality is that wherever there is a vacuum of power, some will step in to fill it. For the Tarlon, Keihom’s death (under slightly suspicious circumstances) saw others rise to lead. A number of this new wave, such as Lurhar Wayneen, sort to move the group – many of whom had become disillusioned with their founder’s philosophies – towards a better, more productive future. With the use of resources and finances from contacts and friends who’d remained on (or returned to) Relar, the Tarlon began to manufacturing light machinery and agricultural equipment. Initially this was to supply only those in need on Relar, but quickly word of these machines quality, and low wholesale prices (as a collective the Tarlon look for very little financial return for their labours), lead to increased demand across numerous systems.

Unsurprisingly this increase of industrialisation, and more worrying, the improved contact with those from other parts of the Imperium began to concern the Isolationists. They had come to Eisiu to leave the material wants of humanity behind, as they had thought the Tarlon had, and here their allies had begun to do the complete opposite. Indeed, on her death bed, Indira Giri has made her successor, Miriam Low, to swear to continue to uphold the Isos beliefs, regardless of what temptations she might be offered; an oath that to this day is handed down from each matriarch to the next. As a result, passively at first, and with a little more vehemence and protest later, the humans began to pressure the Relarrans into abandoning their new found ways.

Then again, while other settlers might have change and adapted their philosophy to meet the changing needs of life on a new world, the Isolationists did not. Lead by Low, the group instead began to embed their traditions even more, with the laws that instituted a single female leader of the group, and their dedication to helping any in need.

It was this second major belief that saw the tensions between the two groups rise even more. With Low’s passing and the longer lived Relarran Wayneen exerting more pressure on the Committee to allow further industrialisation, it seemed that the Isolationists would have to bow to the wants of the more dominate Tarlon. However, it was then that news of the first major setbacks of the Imperium’s navy against the R’tillek reached Eisiu. The new matriarch, Kristina Eggers, used the needs of those facing destruction and death in the face of this reptilian race to gain concessions from the Relarrans. These mainly involved the rights to increase fishing quotas and freedom to piggyback on the Tarlon’s now sizable fleet to transport this food (and other simple goods produced) to those in need, in return for the rights to produce items such as personal electronic devices with no additional excises.

As the Imperium began to face more and more setbacks, and the eventual destruction of its core worlds, the work and support of the Isos became more and more important. In a few simple years, Eggers had changed the galaxy’s view of the Isolationist from religious outcasts, to a vital cog in keeping many worlds from facing starvation. Today sisters and brothers of the faith travel freely amongst almost all planets, helping where they can to bring relief to those who need it.

However, while the Isos have seen a new found respect, the Tarlon – an organisation that no longer exists in any true sense of the word – have found the increase in fishing, and the constant demands on their shipping fleet, is beginning to affect their business interests. It is obvious that these concerns must soon come to a head, but with both parties now courting much political and financial backing from governments and corporations off world, it is not easy to see who may come out on top.

But while these machinations continue, Eisiu itself is a planet teeming with life; maintaining an ecology that could support many, many more people than the 50 thousand it currently holds. Eisiu could really be called a paradise amongst the stars. Eisiu has examples of all kingdoms and classes, from microscopic bacteria that clean air and water, through to large aquatic predators that hunt the myriad of fish species that fill the oceans. The number, and types of creatures found land are significantly less than those in the water, unsurprisingly given the disproportionate amount of water on Eisui, but here to range from speck sized insects to mammals the size of Indian Elephants. Interestingly, none of the creatures discovered has anything close to full intellect, despite a number of ape-like beings being found.

While the Relarrans may protest the increased fishing undertaken by the Isos and other settlers, they themselves are likely doing more damage to the ecosystem with their push for more and more industrialisation. With only one main city – Ashneen – the Relarrans have the largest concentration of people on the planet. The last 50 years has seen great changes to the city, with large additions made to allow them build and produce equipment for races other than their own. Today the major of residents work in these planets, and while most no longer follow the traditions of the Tarlon, few have the same capitalist outlook as their off world brethren. Instead, the Relarran of Eisiu build and repair their machines and tools for the good of their community and the understanding that such income allows them some respite from the troubles faced by the rest of the known galaxy.

On the other hand, the Isolationists live today much as they did a hundred years ago. Not centred in any single city, they populate many smaller communities around the coasts of what land Eisui provides them. A simple people, they look to the church to lead them, and happily fish and create to support those in need. While each town and village has a place of worship, the grand Cathedral is the site of Iso leadership, and is where Matriarch Eggers guides her flock across the known Galaxy.

Most surprisingly Eisui has no space station – this being one concession the Isos are yet to give in on – and all supplies and shipments are shuttled directly down to the planet’s surface (either to Ashneen or various sites around Cathedral). This unusual way of transporting to a planet (few regular merchant or shipping craft come equipped with shuttles that are designed for such labour) does much to maintain the general seclusion of the planet. A number of corporations and planetary representatives have previously attempted to set up embassies on Eisiu, but none have lasted long – the logistical nature, not to mention the general dislike of such outsiders, making any benefits minimal. Instead, an ad-hoc community of semi permanent ships has grown in orbit around Eisiu’s only moon, Shashme. This collection of craft acts as meeting point and trade centre for off worlders looking to trade or negotiate with either group on the planet, and as of late has become the default assembly hall for the Committee (especially as the accusations about the direction and actions of both factions on Eisiu grow in tension).

It seems likely that shortly one group or the other must come out on top on Eisiu, the only question is who and what will be the fall out?

Faula – The Grand Experiment

Planet Type: Terrestrial
Climate: Earth normal
Equatorial Circumference: 19,841 miles
Planetary Diameter: 6,316 miles
Major Industry: Colony
Government Type: Democracy
Population: 460,960,432
Rotation: 26 hours
Orbit: Approximately 1.5 Earth years

Faula is one of the two worlds in the Frontier Systems large enough to support multiple industries and manufacture numerous different types of items that are used by that planet and exported throughout this region of space. It is inhabited primarily by Lamagos and Tallinites, though a good racial mix of the other major and minor species also exists here. Most groups coexist peacefully.

The Faula spaceport is located on the surface, and it has a rough-and-tumble reputation. Merchants and fugitives are commonplace, and it is said that there are just as many shady business dealings taking place as there are legitimate ones. Docking is available for small and medium size ships, though there is a small port-controlled space station in orbit for larger ships. Shuttles are readily available to ferry passengers back and forth between the planet and the station.

The government of Faula is a corrupt democracy that has had the same political party in power for the past thirty years. The Foundationist party is dominant and the sitting officials funnel tax money into it to ensure that they can out-spend their opponents during elections. They also conduct the election process, which means that they have the power to simply ignore any results that would leave them out of power. The citizens are aware of this corruption but have been met with overwhelming force when they attempt to push for reform.


One could suppose that the colonisation of Faula might be seen as a success for the Stellar Imperium. In an attempt to expand its influence, the Imperium used planets like Faula to form the supply lines that would see it dominate the galaxy. Billions, if not trillions of credits were spent on creating worlds that could not only sustain itself, but also feed, cloth and supply millions of others. Shame then, like so many other ‘experiments’ of the Stellar Imperium, it remains now as a reminder of just a how grand its plans were and how badly it failed in implementing them.

That is not to say that the terraforming and colonisation of Faula was a failure, far from it, if fact, as far as the design and implementation of the planet is concerned, there are little better. However once up and running, the model of a planet able to benefit all in the Imperium was quickly abandoned in the name of power and influence and from an egalitarian ideal, Faula soon became the corrupt democracy seen today.

Faula was one of the first Frontier planets to be colonised (in 2598), and over the next 20 years undertook a rapid program of industrialisation.

  • Growth from a central point, so that now the temperate band is quite populated and looking to extend out to the colder regions to the north and south. Faula’s position in the system (5 planet out) means that the temperature drops considerable once away from the equatorial zone.
  • No native peoples but there are the Faulan plant or simply Faulan – semi-sentient planets that grow in colonies. These seem to favour the colder temperatures, and while actively hostile when interfered with (i.e. removed from the ground, etc.) they otherwise ignore the colonists.
  • No sites of archaeological sites on the planet have so far been discovered, although the extreme temperatures and remoteness of these regions have meant that numerous explorers have failed to return. (Author’s Note – this is in part to do with the Faulan, they are much more aggressive towards the poles).
  • Most of the intensive development has arisen around the spaceport, which as a result has become the focus of the cultural and political structures on the planet. Numerous light and medium industries (originally set up as manufacturing facilities for the Imperium’s push ever outward) are based here also.
  • Outside the spaceport region, the planet has two other important industries – Agriculture (massive plantings of core crops were undertaken by the Imperium back in past), and Mining (the opencast mining for raw elements). These two functions means that the planet is in much better shape than others, both in terms of self sufficiency and trading.
  • The population of the planet is divided into two groups – urban and rural. The Urban are rich and technologically up to date, while the rural are of greater number, but are much poorer. The Lamagos tend to be Urban, while two Hives of Tallinites manage many of the mines.
  • Unlike most planets, the people of Faula do not need for much. They are infact looking, under their government to expand their own empire. There is however the need to expand their resource operations, but this will put them into conflict with the Faulan who already inhabit the land they want.
  • The Foundationist party runs the planet. Set up originally as a puppet organisation by the Imperium (who at the time was dealing with the succession of numerous planets), this group has remained in power since the demises of the core planets. Supposedly democratic, the government has been lead by one Lamag Munnat Carreng (either in the role of Prime Minister, President or more lately ‘Party Advisor’).
  • The conflict on Faula is two fold. First, many of the population have become aware of the level of corruption and control taking place at the highest level of government, and second, the Tallinite population (which is naturally large and ever growing) is clashing with the majority Lamagos over control of the spaceport and access to resources.

Jiora – Desert Oasis

Planet Type: Terrestrial
Climate: Warm and arid
Equatorial Circumference: 22,022 miles
Planetary Diameter: 7,010 miles
Major Industry: Research and development
Government Type: Socialist
Population: 58,506,500
Rotation: 36 hours
Orbit: Approximately .5 Earth years

This world is occupied primarily by Tallinites who research and develop new crops that grow in desert climates. They hope to make breakthroughs here that will benefit not only Jiora, but also other desert worlds in the core systems as well. The agro-research has had an ancillary benefit; a massive surplus of food that they are constantly selling to other worlds. They typically employ private freighters to move this product off world.

In addition to agriculture, Jiora is also attempting to break into other industries. Several companies are attempting to reproduce existing technologies by taking products that had originally been reverseengineered by the Sangor, and then improving upon their designs to increase overall quality and reliability. Their efforts are beginning to produce positive results, which in turn is starting to produce alternate-branded devices onto the market, usually for lower prices than the original products.


The origins of Jiora are inauspicious. During an age when the Stellar Imperium was expanding at an almost exponential rate, the discovery of yet another desert planet – one complete with its own aggressive wildlife and temperature extremes – was of little importance; just another world where a rescue station could be set up while the ‘real work’ of discovering useful planets continued elsewhere.

In 2651, twenty years after being first added to their catalogues, the Imperium decided that the costs outweighed any benefits that might come from colonising Jiora and instead onsold all planetary rights to the Piresega-based Katekic corporation. This large mining conglomerate, then known for their almost monopoly on silica production, hoped to exploit Jiora’s natural resources to meet the growing needs of the Imperium.

  • Despite the investment of millions of credits, and numerous attempts to create a long term settlement, no meaningful colonisation of the planet was ever achieved.
  • With arrival of the R’Tillek threat, the corporation’s attention is diverted elsewhere and little further development of the planet is undertaken up until the day that Piresega – and the core of Katekic’s management – is wiped out. Those board members and investors who survive this terrible event fall into infighting over the ownership of corporate assets and have little time for Jiora or any of their other minor holdings.
  • Five years ago – Following the death of a Queen on Tallin, millions of Tallinites are left to wander the galaxy hiveless. Some of those within the scientist caste of these wanderers discovered the remains of the Katekic colony, and in only the way hard work can, quickly created for themselves a niche business within the agro-research.
  • This success did not go unseen and quickly more Tallinites have settled on the planet, diversifying their industry to include low grade manufacturing of items that have previously been reverse engineered by the Sangor.
  • The planet is a dangerous place, one well suited to the tough and resilient Tallinites. Creatures here include uncounted species of poisonous spider and lizard, as well as large and vicious avian creatures that happily attack any creature they feel they can handle.
  • While neither ancient or truly ruins, there numerous leftovers from Katekic’s original attempts to colonise Jiora. While most of these haven’t faired well exposed to the elements, they could well house untold amounts of technology and knowledge that has now been lost with the fall of the Imperium.
  • The arrival Tallinites has seen numerous settlements founded all over the planet. At the core of these are still the ag-research sites, which produces enough food for not only entire population but can feed numerous other worlds as well.
  • The success of their Ag venture has seen the Tallinites diverse out into other industries, taking advantage of the resource rich planet. The main focus of this is the development of ‘similar technologies’ a program which takes Sangor reverse-engineered machines and devices and improve on their designs. These approach has resulted in the creation of a new class of electronics that while functionally matching (if not improving) on the original is considerably cheaper.
  • Jiora’s main city is Ten’chik’Ora, and while it hasn’t yet have a fully functioning spaceport, they have started to develop an area where one will eventually be placed. As a result, Jiora has had a recent influx of ‘outsiders’, designers and construction crews that specialise in Space Port development. These non-Tallinites have brought a new culture to the planet, one that isn’t always welcome to the structured and organised Tallinites.
  • Other smaller community have sprung up around the planet, and numerous other organisations have recently begun to use Jiora as a planet free from prying eyes. Numerous Tallinite groups have also struck off on their own, as if now free from the Hive mentality they have no wish to return to its rigid structure.
  • Politically there is no real planetary government, instead each group has its own leaders appointed or elected as their collective sees fit. The most powerful group, the Tallinites centred around Ten’chik’Ora is lead by Clun’Kel’Qlue, a matriarch who has risen to almost the same status as a Queen (although she can no bred as those in that role). Qlue has united the majority of the Tallinites on the planet, but finds dealing with the other races a arduous and unsatisfying task, and so delegates such tasks to her most trusted followers. Of course, such an approach angers many, especially those (on both sides) who believe that a Queen alone must negotiate on behalf of her people.
  • Conflicts – The desire of other corporations to shut down this ‘piracy’, the return of Katekic who demand the planet back. Growth of pirates in recent months due to the success of the colony.

Jiran – The New West

Planet Type: Terrestrial
Climate: Earth normal
Equatorial Circumference: 28,992 miles
Planetary Diameter: 9,228 miles
Major Industry: Colony
Government Type: Fascist dictatorship
Population: 54,248,000
Rotation: 40 hours
Orbit: Approximately 1 Earth year

This world is primarily inhabited by Humans and is devoted to food production via traditional agrofarms. There is one small trading town called Dusty Maines, which lies on the Southern continent. Otherwise, the majority of the people here own massive farms where they grow crops and raise livestock. The rural nature of this world makes it fairly unruly, with no shortage of shady characters taking advantage of farm owners, stealing livestock, and engaging in outright theft. There are those who seek to restore order and bring criminals to justice, but they are few and far between, and most of them have earned a number of enemies.

Jiran is led by a Human former Imperium military commander named Kyle Lander. He makes all decisions pertaining to the governing of the planet unilaterally and he surrounds himself with people who agree with him and help keep him in power. Some of the population of Jiran considers Lander to be a protector, but there are a number of others who see him as uncaring and ideologically motivated, repressing anyone who holds different beliefs than he does. There have been a few attempts to overthrow him, but they have ended when Lander employed brutal force against the people involved and those close to them.


Colonised as the last of the Imperium’s Agrofarm planets – the ambitious attempt to feed the core world planets via specialised worlds dotted around the galaxy – Jiran quickly became known as the place where one went when you had no other choice. In fact, as the number of colonists dwindled, due as much to the ongoing rebellions and ever growing threat of the R’Tillek, the corporations who’d jointly invested in Jiran soon began to care little as to the quality or skills of those they employed to run the miles of farms that had been laid. Rumours even have it that some of these corporates stooped even to press-ganging and the purchase of prisoner sentences to ensure they could produce enough livestock and crops to continue to make obscene profits from the Imperium.

  • When the end came, the fall of the Stellar Imperium actually did little but to stay the trickle of new colonists who arrived every shipment. Most of these ‘newcomers’ look to hard labour, and the chance of one day owning their own piece of land as motivation.
  • While numerous corporations could well have laid claim to the planet, the actual direct ownership of Jiran was, and still is up in the air. Into this void of governmental control has risen General Kyle Lander, a Human whose former role as Imperium commander on the planet put him in good stead to claim Jiran as an independent colony.
  • The planet itself has little history, nor any naturally evolving environment. Rather everything here was imported during the years under the Stellar Imperium, and as such no single area of the planet is the same.
  • The excellent growing conditions on the planet make it prefect for producing crops and raising livestock. In particular the lush grasslands of the northern continent allow huge numbers cattle and other beasts to be grazed. Crops on two neighbouring farms can be completely different and can range from Earth corn, through Jurie (a hydrid Rye), and even Lepis (a naturally poisonous grain and when prepared properly creates a potent, yet popular beverage). Likewise the types of livestock varies greatly, with some ranchers preferring the Kyloe (modified Highland Cattle), while the Droughtie (a small, robust shorthorn cattle beast) has always been popular.
  • With the focus on agriculture, there are regular ‘cattle drives’ across regions, these are often end at the ‘cow towns’ that are scattered about the two main continents. From these frontier style towns livestock and harvested is shipped to Dusty Maines, the largest settlement on the planet (which in reality is probably not big enough to even be called a town in most core worlds).
  • Dusty Maines (or the old Dusty as it is colloquially known) has the only spaceport large enough to ship large quantities of goods off world. It is also home to the government, who operate under the direction of Lander. Although this body claims to be the planet’s controlling body, in reality Lander and is officials leave the management, legislation and law of most of the planet to the land owners (usually the richest and most powerful). As such each region (which range in size, again depending on the fortunes of the landowners.
  • As such many areas of Jiran are rough and lawless, and as often happens when men of power collide, numerous small ‘wars’ erupt and are settled on an almost weekly basis. Crime and violence are commonplace in the cow towns and few landowners seem willing to do anything to stop them.
  • To keep some checks and balances in place (and most think to ensure that Lander maintains some central control), he has recent appointed ‘Sheriffs’ to each of the cow towns, who in turn deputise others to act as government agents. So far this system seems to work well, as long as the more powerful landowners are kept happy!

Miakar – Where Worlds Collide

Planet Type: Asteroid Belt
Major Industry: Metal/mineral mining
Government Type: Anarchy
Population: 470,320
Orbit: Approximately 1 Earth year

Unlike many asteroid belts in the core worlds, Miakar is primarily mined by individuals who are in business for themselves. A small space station, referred to as Metalsmeet, serves as a trading post where miners sell their goods. Because of the complete lack of government, it is a dangerous place to do business, where miners must frequently defend themselves against those who would take their cargo by force. To defend themselves, one group of miners has formed a conglomerate called the Miner’s Defense Organization (MDO), which ensures that all members are well armed. It hires mercenary forces to deal with larger threats.


interests do remain in the system, although few have contact with those Lying on the furthest edge of known space, Miakar is as far from civilization as one can get. Little more than a seemingly endless asteroid field, even during the days of the Stellar Imperium it was known as place where wild cat miners and other loners would go to be free from the authorities. To call Miakar a community is a stretch at best, with a better explanation being that the system consists of an eclectic group of loners who band together as much for mutual protection as support.

  • Discovered early in the rise of the Imperium, the system was seen as too far from any of the core worlds to be worth exploring. Despite this a number of individuals did undertake the long are arduous journey to the asteroid field, and here discovered the bountiful riches in ores and metals that it provided.
  • Geologistics and other scientists believe that the system, which is essentially one large asteroid field, was once made up of a number of small planetoids, kept in orbit around the system star – Miakar. Recently (in last million years) as this star change from main sequence to Red Giant some catastrophic event occurred which resulted in the break-up (some hypothesise smashing together) of these planetoids, resulting in the field that is seen today.
  • While the outskirts of the ‘belt’ are dangerous and chaotic, the asteroids near the middle of the debris are larger and realitively stable. It is here that the majority of the miners take up residence.
  • Prior to the fall of the Imperium, Miakar was seen as a place where everyone was simply ‘out for themselves’. The miners rarely traded with each other, while those not mining spoke to no one at all. Since the fall, however, a number of changes have come over the system. Realising their precarious position, the independent miners have begun to work together more often, with one group forming as the Miner’s Defense Organization (MDO), while a majority of the ‘non-miners’ have left, just too aware of the dangers of living in a place so remote from the core worlds.
  • That said numerous independent, non-mining within system, let alone outside it. Here gather groups who have fled the core worlds because of their beliefs religious or otherwise, or are simply attempting to create a new life, free for themselves. Still the majority of the system meagre population are miners, and come from all the majority races (and many of the minor) in the known galaxy.
  • About 10 years ago, as the Stellar Imperium began its final spiral into destruction, the MDO began to import machinery and equipment to build a space station to be used as neutral ground. Metalsmeet, as it has become known is now a thriving community of traders and merchants who run the risks of deep space to provide the system with supplies (often as exorbitant mark-ups) and return with rare and expensive ores that again return a healthy profit.
  • But even before the Fall the belt was a haven for raiders and those who preyed on the simple hard working miners. Now, with the system even more cut off from the rest of the known galaxy, Maikar has been almost over run by them. While few traders travel in system without heavily armed escorts, the miners themselves have begun to employ mercenaries to protect their claims and their profits.

Nyara – The End of the Line

Planet Type: Gas giant
Color: Purple and white striped with swirling storms
Equatorial Circumference: 162,022 miles
Planetary Diameter: 51,573 miles
Major Industry: Gas mining
Government Type: Fascist dictatorship
Population: 280,121
Rotation: 26 hours
Orbit: Approximately 1 Earth year

This gas giant orbits an enormous giant star that looms red in the distance. The gas-mining platform is run by a ruthless Human dictator, Randall Kim, who operates this facility with a minimal staff that he overworks and underpays. The platform is privately owned, and because there is no higher authority in this system than Randall, he serves as both boss and system administrator. Many wish to leave his “employ” but find it impossible to do so. Randall periodically makes examples out of dissenters by tossing them from the platform without protective gear. These executions are carried out in front of his frightened workforce and he usually ends them by asking if anyone else wants to quit before sending them back to work. A secret, organized resistance seeks to overthrow Randall Kim, but they move slowly for fear of being exposed.


No one wants to work on Nyara, rather people end up there because they have nowhere else to go! A gas giant orbits an enormous giant star that looms red in the distance, Nyara is both the name of the gas platform and the planet it orbits.

  • A grand experiment, the Nyara platform was built and shipped out to this remote system by the Relarran Quarn Chiahen. While most saw this as madness Chiahen thought of it as an opportunity to cash in on the ever expanding Imperium and their constant need for cost effective fuel sources. The Relarran hoped that Nyara would be in the perfect position to make a huge profit once the Stellar Imperium reached this part of the known galaxy.

Ocara – Prison Planet

Planet Type: Terrestrial
Climate: Cold and humid
Equatorial Circumference: 22,559 miles
Planetary Diameter: 7,181 miles
Major Industry: Colony
Government Type: Fascist dictatorship
Population: 45,589,100
Rotation: 34 hours
Orbit: Approximately 1 Earth year

The Lamagos “sheriff” Hallag Mun considers himself a kind benefactor of this frontier world, and compared to many, he is exactly that. He doesn’t invoke larger than life symbols to make sure everyone knows who is in charge, nor does he work people to death or create a lot of restrictive or invasive laws. His folly is that he is the single source of law on this world, serving as judge, jury, and executioner. Nobody can accuse him of not carefully weighing a case before carrying out a sentence, but new facts have come to light in a few cases, proving that people have been put to death despite the fact that they were innocent of the crimes for which they were charged.

The primary settlement is a small city called Shallamin, which is populated equally by Humans and Lamagos, with a few individuals from other species present but not comprising a large portion of the population. Ocara imports a great deal of food and goods but exports very little, so the trade deficit is a major concern of many living there.


Even the Stellar Imperium needed somewhere to put the criminals are malcontents who refused to be rehabilitated; a place where there was no hope of escape and plenty of time for those there to reflect on their actions. That place was the planet Ocara. A hot and humid swampland, even those responsible for the initial terraforming and construction of the first facilities thought it too harsh an environment in which to send its citizens… no matter what crime they had committed. Of course, as with all civilisations there are always people who will do the unthinkable, and it is those who ended up on Ocara.

First discovered during the initial push into what is now known as Frontier space, it was quickly passed over as a viable planet for settlement due to its harsh hot and humid environment.

The system itself was a bit of an astrological anomaly, with the planets within the gravitation pull of the yellow star Torian still in the ‘cool down’ period of their life cycle. While the Imperium’s scientists couldn’t put a finger on exactly why this was, they believed that Torian had perhaps reignited in the last hundred million years or so, and this massive explosion had recreated its planetoids. As a result, when first surveyed, Ocara resembled Earth during its Permian era and like earth in the period had recovered from an Ice Age. With a cycle of rapid heating, a condition created by the release of greenhouse gasses from the polar caps, had created a hot and humid environment prefect for the incubation and development of life.

As the first explorers where to find out, Ocara is home to many large and generally aggressive mammals, and an almost terrifying array of flying and biting insects of all sizes. No wonder then that the first Imperium Representatives on the planet did little more than mark its location on the star charts before moving on. And it would have likely remained forgotten hadn’t Andre Krustinavich, a leading Imperium Bureaucrat in the department of Justice and Legislation, hadn’t called for the creation of a new ultra security prison for the known galaxy’s hardest and most unrepetitive criminals. Why or how he came to the conclusion that Ocara would be perfect for such a task is lost to time, however one can guess that he believed that such souls were best out of sight, regardless of the cost.

In the end the first facilities on the planet, the community now known as Shallamin, was built as an open colony – much in the same vain as Sydney, Australia had been designed during the Human Country of England had done during its colonial times on Earth. Here the prisoners where given almost free rein – where could they go – but were expected to work on building the colony in return to the basics of life. Life at this time was probably harder for the guards and administrators assigned to the prison, and while short tours were common practice few of these men and women ever agreed to return for a second stint.

Surprisingly this system worked well, with many of the prisoners relishing the opportunity to build a new life for themselves, even if existence was harsh and demanding. The success of this prison colony encouraged the Imperium to open up its criteria for the types and numbers of criminals being sent, and very quickly almost any excuse was being used to ship yet another group of citizens off to what was being called a ‘death planet’ by pretty much every other group and organisation in the Imperium.

Still, as the colony grew it became more self sufficient, and despite the influx of more and more prisoners, and the arrival of the first of a new generation of children, it started to look for more self governance. While the authorities were suspicious of the motives for such demands, they soon realised that for the colony to survive as anything more than a life detention camp, those condemned to live there should be able to have some rights and responsibilities beyond their world assignment. Within 20 years then, Ocara had become an almost congenial place, if one ignored the climate, where goods for export where created and most of the common place amenities of life could be found.

There were, of course, still escapes attempts, both off world and into the swamps that surrounded Shallamin, although few succeeded. While those looking to stowaway onboard outgoing vessels where almost certainly caught on the long journey back to the core worlds, those taking to the swamps where more likely to be killed off by planet’s wildlife or the aggressive organisms found in the muddy water, than to be tracked down and found alive. In fact, due to such a small chance of success (and in part due to the growing sense of community), those fleeing into the swamps and rainforests are now no longer chased, and are left to fend for themselves in on the harshest environments known in the galaxy.

That is not to say that communities of ex-prisoners don’t exist in wetlands; a few of those who wished no part of the ‘Imperium in Miniature’ that the prison colony had become, have indeed eked out a life in the swamps. But few care about such matters, and even less are worried about what they are trying to achieve by escaping the relative safety of the colony.

The glory days, if one can say that about a place like Ocara, are behind them however, a fall that was begun the day the Stellar Imperium collapsed.

  • Rise of Mun as ruler after being the last appointed governor (can cut and paste Darrin’s text here). While the guards and administrative staff where not in favour of such a open take over, they realised that there was little chance of there return to the core worlds, let alone the opportunity to retain any position of authority in a government collapsing under both internal and external struggles.
  • Discuss the fact that only really humans and Lamags can survive for long on the planet, most other races quickly sicken and die.
  • That trade is limited, and that recently Mun has been ‘renting’ out the men and women on the planet to acts as mercenaries and warriors in other planets and corporations battles. This has created tensions amongst both the prisoner and the guards factions, but Mun needs to ensure that an income of come sort can be maintained to off set the growing trade deficient.

Pratilla – Battleground

Planet Type: Gas giant
Color: Brown and white, smoothly banded
Equatorial Circumference: 256,901 miles
Planetary Diameter: 81,774 miles
Major Industry: Gas mining
Government Type: Anarchy
Population: 47,300
Rotation: 20 hours
Orbit: Approximately .5 Earth years

This large gas-mining platform’s population is made up of roughly equal numbers of all the major races. It was under the control of a ruthless Earth-based corporation immediately following the collapse of the Stellar Imperium, but the workers rose up, overthrew their bosses and took control. Open hostility between the former owners and the workers has erupted, leading to a series of battles in this system.

By all rights the planet should have been overpowered long ago, but a Human mercenary company called The Valkyries, under the command of Captain Joel Shinter, has taken a personal interest in protecting the freedom of this world. Many know that the truth of the matter is that Joel is a disgruntled former employee of the corporation, and enjoys his opportunity to wreak havoc on their business interests. They have been offering their protection for a nominal fee and all of the liquid hydrogen they can carry.

There is still no government or organization in place to replace their corporate masters and order has been rapidly breaking down. Many workers have decided to set their own shifts while others have fled, making it difficult for the workers to accomplish their tasks efficiently. Some worry that the entire platform is in danger of catastrophic failure since safety protocols are not being followed. Petty crime and violence is also on the rise and there is no law enforcement here to keep the peace.

Yseth – A World in Decline

Planet Type: Terrestrial
Climate: Warm and arid
Equatorial Circumference: 23,654 miles
Planetary Diameter: 7,529 miles
Major Industry: Colony
Government Type: Socialist
Population: 1,500,831,069
Rotation: 22 hours
Orbit: Approximately .5 Earth years

This colony was once considered the single most successful world among the Frontier Systems because of its large population alone. When it was supported by the Stellar Imperium, it was able to produce a large variety of consumer goods cheaply, which were then exported to the core worlds. After the fall of the Imperium, the costs associated with supplying them with raw materials, coupled with the costs of transportation have caused the failure of many of the industries producing these items. This has led to a great deal of unemployment. What started out as a free market society was forced to embrace socialism simply to keep massive numbers of people from starving to death. As it stands, the population of this world is shrinking rapidly as people leave here in hopes of finding a better life elsewhere.