Major Worlds of the Known Galaxy

Once proud and mighty, the Stellar Imperium stood alone against the rest of the galaxy, imposing its will upon all it encountered. History should have told them that they were doomed.– Hal Niemfreed, philosopher

Most of the worlds of the Reign of Discordia setting are non-aligned, even those within regions that are primarily inhabited by a single species. During the building of the Stellar Imperium, most of the major races were able to exert their influence over their nearby systems. However, following the collapse of the Imperium and its centralized government, very few of the worlds actually chose to band together under a common authority regardless of their racial composition. Although the primary systems are mostly inhabited by one of the major races, they are usually
also home to a variety of alien races.

The planets of Dorang, Hagenti, and Piresega comprise the ruins of the core worlds of the Stellar Imperium. Bombarded from space and subjected to lethal
biological agents, they are now ruins, completely devoid of living inhabitants. They now lie unclaimed, though many find lucrative careers exploring the wreckage for items of value, and selling them on the open market.

The outer portion of former Imperium space is made up of a region of space known as the Frontier Systems, which were just beginning to develop at the collapse of the Stellar Imperium. Although all of the major races have a presence in most of these systems, none of them have gained enough of a foothold to actually assert dominance. Planetary governments are often on even shakier ground than they are in the core systems, the populations far are less stable, and the notion of peace is fleeting at best. Great riches are to be found for those who are brave enough to explore these worlds and take what they want, but so is a quick death for the unlucky.

The primary worlds listed below are grouped according to the species that dominates the region of space they lie within. This is not an exhaustive list of systems and does not include additional planets, moons, or asteroids. What it does provide is a brief description of the major planets of interest within the setting, as well as a brief overview of the major planetary features. The stars they orbit have scientific names that are a rather uninteresting mixture of letters and numbers, therefore, planets are listed by name. Many of these systems have planets or moons that are of secondary importance. Most of these are left unnamed and undeveloped so that the GM may generate them for her own campaign without having to worry about breaking continuity.
The assumption is that the Human-settled planets are the most likely to be used, so greater detail is provided for them than the worlds of other races. It is possible that a sourcebook on all the major worlds as well as many of the minor ones is forthcoming.