Former Stellar Imperium Core Worlds

The Stellar Imperium core worlds consisted of three planets, all of which were once heavily populated but now lie in ruins. What was once a hub of activity is now only visited by scavengers, who pick at the carcasses of these dead worlds.



Planet Type: Terrestrial
Climate: Earth normal
Equatorial Circumference: 29,610 kilometers
Planetary Diameter: 9510 kilometers
Major Industry: Ruins
Government Type: Anarchy
Population: 0
Rotation: 18 hours
Orbit: Approximately 2 Earth years

Once the site of the Imperium’s shipyards, Dorang is known for a ring of industrial debris encircling the planet. Initially scavengers came to this world looking for salvageable wreckage of Imperium class capitol ships, but the destruction was complete. The same cannot be said of the remains of the cities on the surface. While the world was depopulated, many structures remain more or less intact and there is a wealth of goods to be recovered. The largest obstacle to would-be treasure hunters is that the planet’s wildlife has overrun the cities and dangerous predators now control the ruins. An abundance of lethal security systems also remain in place at research and development facilities, vaults, and military storage areas. These active systems still protect these facilities with lethal force.

The same wildlife that poses a danger is also responsible for a recently discovered threat. Among the heavy vegetation of the forests was a virus that had lain dormant and undiscovered by the planet’s inhabitants. When the R’Tillek infected the planet with the same viral biological agents that killed all intelligent life on the other planets, the native virus combined with it and created a mutant hybrid strain. Most of those infected by the R’Tillek’s attack died, but a small number of individuals in most communities survived, becoming mutated mentally and physically to such an extent that they no longer behave rationally. These mutants live in subterranean caves and bunkers surviving off of the fresh carcasses of wildlife and the remains of the civilization that once prospered there. The mutants savagely attack anyone they encounter.


Planet Type: Terrestrial
Climate: Earth normal
Equatorial Circumference: 38,390 kilometers
Planetary Diameter: 12,220 kilometers
Major Industry: Ruins
Government Type: Anarchy
Population: 0
Rotation: 20 hours
Orbit: Approximately .75 Earth Years

The one-time capital of the Stellar Imperium, Hagenti boasted a population of over eight billion people. Now, much like Dorang, the planet lies in ruins, which are mostly intact due to the use of biological weapons. Unlike the other planet, however, the wildlife was never a real threat to the populace. Instead, a hazard just as dangerous lurks. The inhabitants of the planet were once pampered by an army of robotic servants; their numbers greater than on any other civilized world. The biological agents had no effect upon the robots, however, isolation and a lack of maintenance has caused many of these machines to malfunction in ways that have proven dangerous to those who explore the wreckage. Many of the people who visit Hagenti are haunted by the sheer number of desiccated corpses that lie scattered in the streets throughout the planet. Some of the malfunctioning robots have arranged the bodies in chairs or other places where they would have been in life, and then surrounded them with objects that they might have found useful such as glasses full of various beverages, food that has long since molded and decayed, books, and gadgets. Those family pets that managed to escape the houses after the owners died have since gone wild and formed packs; their rapidly increasing numbers creating a minor hazard for those who come to Hagenti in search of easy money.


Planet Type: Terrestrial
Climate: Uncomfortably hot
Equatorial Circumference: 41,040 kilometers
Planentary Diameter: 11,530 kilometers
Major Industry: Ruins
Government Type: Anarchy
Population: 0
Rotation: 24 hours
Orbit: Approximately 1.5 Earth years

The first world to fall to the R’Tillek, Piresega was the least populated of the three Imperium Core worlds. Regardless of the limited potential for plunder, some venture to Piresega to pick through the ruins anyway. Recently, however, the planet has begun to serve another purpose. Since very few groups are taking an active interest in this world, Piresega has become attractive to individuals and organizations that would prefer to remain hidden. The actual number of people inhabiting this world is presently unknown since none of the inhabitants are interested in reporting their whereabouts.