Lamagos Systems

The Lamogos are a strict, militaristic people, and their worlds are a testament to this. Symbolism is an important aspect of Lamogos culture. Throughout all of the worlds under their control are impressive monuments, some of which are massive buildings; others are statues of leaders that can be seen from kilometers away.

The Lamogos were one of the two driving powers in the Stellar Imperium, so the fall of the great organization has left them somewhat diminished, though their pride still shines through. Rather than leave any of their worlds unprotected, they allocate funds to ensure that capitol ships are still built, the space lanes are still patrolled, and order is still maintained. Sometimes this
strong military protection comes at the cost of the social welfare of the people, but the leadership believes that the people share their priorities and accept it. Nobody dares tell the Lamogos leadership that they are out of touch with what the people truly want.

Much like the Humans, the Lamogos worlds have refused to ally with one another for the simple fact that each believes that they are better off not spending their resources supporting the others unless the allied worlds agree to their control. Despite the lack of unity, the culture normally remains quite similar from one world to the next even if the governments are different. Some worlds have attempted to coerce other worlds into accepting their leadership, but so far these tactics have simply led to brinksmanship with the aggressor ultimately backing down.



Planet Type: Asteroid Belt
Major Industry: Metal/mineral mining
Government Type: Fascist dictatorship
Population: 470,400
Orbit: Approximately 3 Earth Years

Founded during the early days of the First Interstellar War, when supplies for the construction of warships were in high demand, Dramont has continued to be a major source of metals in the Lamagos worlds. With the full resources of the Lamagos Star Navy brought to bear, they were able to deal with the hazards of asteroid mining with relative ease. Four medium sized space stations are set up as a bases, each spaced evenly around the asteroid belt. Each individual station is headed by an administrator, and the four administrators form a board that directs policy for the mining operation as a whole. In case of deadlocks, one of the board members holds the position of chairman, and his vote is the tie-breaker; this position rotates among the four managers. In the past, these administrators were appointed by and had to answer to the authorities on Lamag, but with the collapse of the Stellar Imperium, the current board has taken up the role of ruling council, dictating rules for everyday life onboard the various stations. So far, the old administrative structure has worked, but each of the current board members harbors aspirations of doing away with his contemporaries and becoming sole ruler of Dramont.

The Lamagos oversee all facets of the stations’ operations, though they have “enlisted” the aid of some of the lesser species to do the actual work. Their workforce is paid, though not well, and they may return to their homeworlds after serving for a year, or becoming too injured to continue working, whichever comes first. Now that Dramont is operating independently, however, this policy is bent more often than not, with workers being kept in indentured servitude for longer and longer periods of time. This is more out of necessity than cruelty, since new workers are becoming fewer and farther between. Nonetheless, as the miners’ length of “employment” begins to stretch towards indefinite, discontent has begun to fester among the laborers.

Two small habitable worlds exist in this system, and though the Lamagos have not yet fully settled them, they do have bases on each to ensure that no other groups attempt to move in and claim them for their own. A few small settlements have cropped up in recent years, founded by former miners who could not afford or arrange transport back to their homeworlds. The Lamagos authorities have allowed this, seeing these refugees as little to no threat. However, desperate to maintain their workforce, the administrative board has been looking to these groups with an eye towards “re-enlisting” them. This could very well lead to violence, which could conceivably spread to the current workforce, who are already fed up with their treatment.

Plot Hooks: The party must race a replacement part to one of the stations where their defense shielding has failed; certain interested parties will pay good credits for some information on what the Lamagos are doing with the unsettled worlds; the crew is hired to transport a batch of “new hires” to Dramont, unaware until the last minute that they are basically carrying slave labor, and must decide if their conscience will allow them to fulfill their contract.


Planet Type: Gas giant
Color: Yellow and white striped with swirling storms
Equatorial Circumference: 855,952 miles
Planetary Diameter: 272,458 miles
Major Industry: Gas mining
Government Type: Fascist dictatorship
Population: 500,400
Rotation: 12 hours
Orbit: Approximately 11 Earth years

Though discovered in the early years of Lamagos expansion into space, Gantir was left undeveloped until the First Interstellar War with humanity. At that point, the leadership of the Lamagos Star Navy determined that, based on its location and the surveys that had been done on the planet that had been archived since its discovery, it would be the best site for a refueling station for their battleships. Once the war was over, the military outpost was converted to a civilian mining facility; however, the Star Navy maintained a presence here, including posting an officer as the station’s administrator, and during times of heightened conflict (the Second Interstellar War, the campaign against the R’Tillek), the station was taken back over by the armed forces. This martial origin and the military’s continued influence over the station has shaped the culture of the facility and the attitudes of its workers ever since.

The gas mining facility is currently run with an iron fist by a former Imperium general, Sek Mallorn, who was reassigned here during the ill-fated wars against the R’Tillek. Sek came from an aristocratic family with a long history first in Lamagos and later Imperium government. Spoiled and accustomed to be catered to, his imperious attitude was ill suited to the delicate art of politics, so his family instead set him up at the military academy. There, he could order men around without worrying about such nuisances as tact or diplomacy. It did nothing, however, to temper his arrogance and raging ego. It was these faults that that proved to be his greatest weakness in the campaign against the R’Tillek. It was simply inconceivable to him that these “barbarians” could withstand the obviously superior military might of the Imperium.

Sek still believes that had he been allowed to continue the war as he had been running it, they would have ultimately proven successful. Instead, he was placed in charge of a mining facility he cared little about. When the Imperium fell, he couldn’t return to his homeworld of Dorang, nor could he leave this place without also leaving behind any amount of authority he still possessed, so he continues to run the facility here in spite of the fact that he despises every day he is forced to stay here. His dislike of his situation has not stopped him from having massive paintings, murals, and posters with his visage placed in every possible location throughout the gas mining platform.

However, Sek is nothing if not ambitious. He knows that his two closest neighbors, Sarodar and the Relarran controlled Illamod, are both also gas mining planets. They also happen to form a nice border along the edge of Lamagos space, of which Gantir would be in the middle. If he could take over the other two facilities, he would have a total monopoly of the fueling stations going into and out of the Lamagos sector. With that kind of power and influence, every planet in the area, including Lamag, would have to take notice of him. So far, Sek has told no one of this plan; however, like many narcissists, he can’t help but make sure that other people know of his brilliance, so he has dropped several hints as to what he has in mind. These hints inevitably become rumors, which most people shrug off as delusions of grandeur coming from a washed up egomaniac. Those who know Sek best, however, are justifiably worried.

The workers here on Gantir are accustomed to overbearing management. A chain of command mindset has held over from its frequent use as a military outpost, and even the civilians know and accept that strict compliance is expected and insubordination is not tolerated. However, Sek’s special brand of megalomania has many people grumbling and whispering in the shadows, for anyone who openly confronts or criticizes Sek is dealt with extremely harshly, or disappears entirely. Of course, Sek is not as clever or well-respected as he thinks, and though he doesn’t truly trust anyone, he still grossly overestimates his number of allies. He will eventually have a revolt on his hands; it’s just a matter of when.

Plot Hooks: The party is detained for “suspicious activities” when they drop in to refuel their ship; the PC’s hear a rumor about Sek’s plans of conquest (which may or may not match his actual plans); the players are pulled into the brewing insurrection.


Planet Type: Terrestrial
Climate: Earth normal
Equatorial Circumference: 19,545 miles
Planetary Diameter: 6,221 miles
Major Industry: Homeworld
Government Type: Socialist
Population: 9,990,330,500
Rotation: 26 hours
Orbit: Approximately 1 Earth year

The great blue orb hangs in the sky as it always has for the Lamagos, yet they know the lifecycle of the star. They know that the same factor that gave them their blue skin will one day in the not-too-distant future be the very agent that cleanses life from their entire world. Many pin the hope of their survival as a species on the colonization of other worlds, yet the vast majority of the total Lamagos population remains on Lamag, not on the worlds they have settled, the worlds that have declared independence from them.

Lamag is the homeworld of the Lamagos. Unlike its human counterpart, Earth, Lamag is neither polluted nor overpopulated – at least, not anymore. A mere two hundred years ago, it was nearly as polluted as the Earth. Now this planet is able to comfortably provide for its nearly four billion people. The air, rivers, and oceans are pristine; a feat that required a great deal of cleanup. This might seem like a strange endeavor, since the Lamagos know that they will eventually be abandoning the planet; however, it was a labor driven more by racial pride than any sense of stewardship. In the early years of the Stellar Imperium the Lamagos were no longer in direct conflict with humanity, but a strong rivalry still remained. Therefore, the authorities on Lamag eventually initiated a global restoration project in an effort to demonstrate the superiority of Lamagos civilization and resolve.

The government of Lamag is socialist. Although every citizen’s basic needs are provided for, there is an enormous gulf between the lifestyles of those who are in power and those who work. Those in power live in lavish estates or at the top of massive towers while the workers might own small homes or live crammed together in apartments. Though the socio-economic situation is similar to that of Earth, the leaders of the Lamagos are quick to point out some key differences. Mainly that, though there are poor on Lamag , there are no “needy,” as no one truly goes without. This is indeed a stark contrast with Earth, where malnutrition and lack of access to decent medical care are at their worst points in centuries. When asked about the disparities in quality of life, these same authorities extoll the virtue of service to the Lamagos people, the myriad responsibilities of looking after an entire race, and how such luxuries are the reward for shouldering those responsibilities. Such a system, they argue, is inherently better than how it is on Earth, where the only path to success is greed and selfishness – conveniently ignoring the fact that it is they, the people who control the distribution of resources, who dictate who gets these luxuries.

Not that they’re being completely disingenuous. The Lamagos’ racial pride does lend itself to a more communal mentality, where the good of the whole is clearly above the good of the individual. It also lends itself to a never-ending fascination with monuments. The Lamagos love nothing more than to commemorate their accomplishments, thus the entire landscape of Lamag is seemingly littered with statues, memorials, and other edifices that serve no purpose but to remind themselves of their glory. To the Lamagos, however, a monument is more than just a tribute of a great hero or event; it is also an opportunity to show off their race’s superiority in architecture and engineering. Consequently, their monuments are feats of construction that the word “ostentatious” doesn’t even begin to describe. Some of the great monuments of this world include the massive statue of Shillock Fillkirk, the first world-wide President of Lamag; the city of New Hurin, which was rebuilt after the war with Earth to be a modern marvel of architecture that includes the tallest buildings on the planet; and the pinnacle of Montos, which is a stone column that starts on the ground and comes to a point outside of the planet’s atmosphere.

Scientists marvel at the fact that life has had the opportunity to become as complex as the Lamagos in the time that evolution has had to work there. Then one fossil carbon dated at several billion years older than the blue giant it orbited, throwing creating a perplexing mystery for those trying to understand how life developed here. Blue giant stars are among the least likely to harbor life. The theory that many are taking as fact is that life evolved on this planet originally when it was in orbit around a smaller yellow star. Eventually the yellow star degraded to the point where it died. Evolution halted in its tracks and the dead world began to drift since the star’s gravity was no longer sufficient to keep it in orbit. Perhaps a roving black hole came along and threw the planet away from the system, or perhaps the blue giant Lamag now orbits swallowed the remains of the old sun whole, but whatever the case, life restarted on the planet when in the presence of heat. Fortunately the planet is far enough away from the star that the overwhelming heat it produces was not so great that it would have destroyed life on the planet. Eventually the Lamagos evolved, only to learn that if they didn’t find a new home soon, the vast majority of their people would die when their star goes supernova.

Plot Hooks: The crew has been hired to transport a diplomatic delegation to Lamag; the PC’s are part of a scientific expedition to study the blue giant star; an admiral in the Star Navy initiates a coup d’état and turns the ships under his command against Lamag.


Planet Type: Terrestrial
Climate: Cold and arid
Equatorial Circumference: 24,820 miles
Planetary Diameter: 7,900 miles
Major Industry: Colony
Government Type: Socialist
Population: 49,070,000
Rotation: 24 hours
Orbit: Approximately 1.5 Earth years

Lanti was one of the first habitable terrestrial worlds the Lamagos discovered, and the people insisted that they colonize it immediately despite the planet’s harsh climate. Although the planet does have a green zone at the equator, the life that exists survives in sub-freezing temperatures for three quarters of the year. The Lamagos are able to use these species for food and for construction, but working for prolonged periods in these conditions is a difficult prospect at best. Electronic equipment, including heating units, would fail under the harsh temperatures, and attempts to insulate them from the cold would lead to the opposite problem: unable to vent the heat all electronics generate, technological devices would burn out. Eventually engineers would be able to find a median solution, but for many years the leading cause of death on Lanti was hypothermia.

Because of this difficulty maintaining high-tech equipment, the colonists on Lanti live a relatively primitive existence. Seeing that the local fauna are already adapted to the climate, most people have taken to wearing animal hides and furs. Good old fashioned fire is often used to heat residences in lieu of thermal units. A handful of the local animal species have been domesticated for use as beasts of burden, and they can often be seen alongside tracked and hover vehicles on the roadways. Many visitors to Lanti shake their heads in pity and decry the sad state that the colonists here have been reduced to, but the locals will hear none of it. They have remained on this planet through force of will alone, and they consider themselves a hardy and proud people. They see their colony as living proof than the Lamagos people can survive anywhere, no matter what happens to the home planet.

All that being said, though, there is not a single resident of Lanti who would not leap at the chance to be elsewhere. For all their bluster and blow, life on Lanti is exceedingly difficult, and though the settlers here have ensured the long term survival of the colony, existence here is still a miserable one that they would like nothing better than to escape. Most volunteer for military service as soon as they are of suitable age (sixteen Earth years) in hopes that they will be assigned to starship duty, which places them in a more comfortable environment. They are rarely turned away, as the toughness and resourcefulness of Lantians is well known throughout known space. If fact, if a Lantian cannot get into the military for whatever reason, there are scores of mercenary companies that will hire them instead.

Plot Hooks: The crew’s ship is plagued by technical problems when they land to drop off a shipment; the PC’s figure they can turn a decent profit selling Lantian furs on one of the other ice planets; the party needs a good spacehand, and word is they’ll find a plethora of recruits to choose from on Lanti.


Planet Type: Terrestrial
Climate: Earth Normal
Equatorial Circumference: 24,073 miles
Planetary Diameter: 7,663 miles
Major Industry: Manufacturing
Government Type: Democracy
Population: 5,512,237,500
Rotation: 22 hours
Orbit: Approximately .5 Earth years

Many consider Netalla the best world for the population of Lamag to migrate to once the people of that world have finally decided that the time has come to leave. The people of Netalla have another idea, however. Having colonized and built this world from nothing, the last thing they wish to see is to have their efforts destroyed by a planet full of refugees. Both the governments of Netalla and Lamag have come to the agreement that there is no indication that the blue giant star Lamag orbits will undergo drastic changes at any time in the immediate future, so there is no reason to rush the process of relocation. Despite this, the scientists of Lamag warn that their star could become unstable at any time, whether in two million years, a few hundred years, or a couple days. Plans should be made to leave the system before time runs out. Couple that with the fact that the populaces of both planets continue to rise, proponents of a hasty relocation wish to begin the process of immigration before size of the combined populations is unsustainable.

Since settling this world approximately a hundred years ago, care has been taken to keep it in the same pristine condition in which they found it. The welfare of the plant and animal species are meticulously monitored to ensure that they are surviving in spite of the presence of a new dominant species. It is these efforts that the Netallans point to when arguing against a mass Lamagos exodus here. If the entire population of the homeworld were to come to Netalla, it would increase the Lamagos presence more than tenfold. Such a sharp surge would make conservation efforts a nightmare, and environmental degradation would be inevitable. Though only a few generations have been born and raised here, the locals still consider Netalla “their” planet and are very protective of its primordial beauty.

Perhaps because of the form of government, existing architecture tends to reflect more of a functional rather than symbolic approach. They do have their impressive monuments (they still have the Lamagos inclination towards celebrating themselves), but state-approved artistic expression is not a driving motivator behind their designs like it is on other Lamagos worlds. Many criticize that this approach is due to the greater human influence during the days of the Stellar Imperium. Native Netallans counter that the organic beauty of the planet requires no modifications on their part. Indeed, many of the more aesthetically pleasing feats of engineering are geared toward accentuating the natural features of Netalla. Gardens, topiaries, and vast wildlife preserves are favorite destinations of both natives and visitors. Possibly the most breathtaking sight on the entire planet is an enormous aerie constructed on the highest peak of a vast mountain range. Though visible for miles, to truly appreciate its beauty and intricate details one must trek through several miles of natural terrain, all the while surrounded by local wildlife. This is by design: it was the architect’s artistic intention that, before you can witness his artificially crafted splendor, you must be overcome with the purer, primordial magnificence of the planet. Most astounding of all is the fact that the entire structure was built without flattening or altering the mountain in any way.

Plot Hooks: Authorities on Netalla need someone to investigate why the population of a certain species is falling drastically; a desperate scientist on Lamag hires the crew to take him to Netalla in order to plead his case for increased immigration…but someone doesn’t want him to arrive.


Planet Type: Terrestrial
Climate: Mostly frozen
Equatorial Circumference: 16,911 miles
Planetary Diameter: 5,383 miles
Major Industry: Colony
Government Type: Democracy
Population: 40,962,000
Rotation: 20 hours
Orbit: Approximately .5 Earth years

Ramod is similar to Lanti except that the environment is even more hostile to life and the Lamagos discovered it much later than the other world. Much like Lanti, there was an outcry among the people that it must be colonized because there was no knowing how long their own world had, but upon their arrival, they found life difficult at best. Many of the techniques and practices that had been learned and developed on Lanti were not applicable here. Ramod has no green zone and almost nothing in the way of survival resources, forcing the inhabitants to rely expensive and regularly malfunctioning technology to stave off the bitter cold as well as provide food and shelter.

One key difference that has kept people at Ramod is the fact that it is rich in gems and other precious minerals. Much of the population spends a great deal of their time underground, but it has led to a lifestyle that exceeds what can usually be expected from such bleak surroundings. Though they are loathe to admit it, the settlers on Ramod learned much from their human counterparts on Lato. The Interstellar Concord laid the groundwork for cooperation and exchange between the two species, but it was during the reign of the Stellar Imperium when Ramod truly began to flourish. Specialists in infrastructure were brought in from Lato to share their knowledge of subterranean survival on a frozen planet. Knowing expertise when they saw it, the colonists on Ramod swallowed their racial pride and accepted the help, resolving instead to take what they learned from the humans and make it even better, as only the Lamagos could. Even today, a small contingent of Lato natives remain here, though this is partly due to the fact space travel has become so much more dangerous, and they see little reason to make the journey home.

The crash of the Stellar Imperium has hurt them, since people on other worlds have been mostly concerned with meeting their basic needs and not the fine merchandise that would be produced by the raw materials coming out of Ramod’s mines. Nonetheless, they manage to sell enough ore to continue importing food, fuel, and other goods while the government provides enough financial relief for people to keep their heat on and their stomachs full. This change has led to a general malaise among the population, however, as they are forced to confront the possibility that their home may not be the independent colony that they had believed it to be. Their reliance on the revenue generated by their mines to support themselves, while highly successful in the past, is forcing them to tighten their belts in this new age of isolation. If they were truly on their own, would they be able to survive? Many of the settlers here are frightened by the answer to this question, and more than a few are calling to abandon the mines and focus more of the colony’s resources on making themselves more self-sufficient. Others are calling this idea madness: Ramod has no other resources; without the income from mining, where would they get the supplies to even begin such a task? This dark time will not last forever, they argue; the best course of action is to get by as well as they can until recovery takes hold. The debate between these two factions is growing more and more heated.

Plot Hooks: The party is tasked with shipping much needed food and sundries to the planet; Ramod authorities are looking to hire extra security for an export shipment so big it could determine the future success or failure of the whole colony.


Planet Type: Gas giant
Color: Blue and white striped with swirling storms
Equatorial Circumference: 456,052 miles
Planetary Diameter: 145,166 miles
Major Industry: Gas mining
Government Type: Theocracy
Population: 6,130,000
Rotation: 16 hours
Orbit: Approximately 3 Earth years

Sarodar is a key gas mining world in Lamagos space; however, it was settled by a group of religious zealots who leverage their standing as one of only two fuel-producing worlds in Lamagos space for political gain for their order throughout all Lamagos worlds. Their religion, Exinorism, is one of several mainstream religions that originated on Lamag; however, they have always been associated with their politically motivated strong-arm tactics. Their total control over Sarodar has been their biggest coup in the religion’s history. Many presume that the Veliff, the mysterious head of the religion, resides here now rather than on Lamag, and some of the faithful see the planet as the new chosen world, believing that their deity has forsaken the Lamagos’ planet of origin.

The Exinorists believe in an all-powerful deity named Exin who created the universe and all life within it, however his holy texts warn in several places that the Lamagos will only be the favored people if they follow his teachings precisely. This religion predates faster-than-light speed and the discovery of alien life, so many believe that this validates the religion’s core tenets and they have become even more committed to their particular set of beliefs. Hydrogen goes for special discounted rates to representatives of groups that support the Exinorist religion either financially or through public statements of support, while those who take a more neutral stand are charged a premium rate that exceeds market value by twenty to thirty percent. They do not trade at all with non-Lamagos organizations, and for a long time would not even allow ships captained by anyone other than a Lamagos to refuel here. This restriction has been relaxed; however, such vessels can expect to pay far more than a fair price for the privilege. Some of the more canny traders who operate in this sector have taken to making sure they have a Lamagos crew member who can pose as the ship’s skipper when coming to Sarodar.

Very few non-Lamagos actually live here; those that do are treated as second-class citizens at best. One of Exinorism’s basic tenants is that the Lamagos are meant to be the chosen people, and while the religion itself does not promote racism (indeed, it threatens that Exin may choose another if the Lamagos prove unworthy), the generally elitist attitude that pervades its adherents make bigotry a very common reality on Sarodar. The mining platforms in Sarodar’s upper atmosphere are larger than is needed to do the job since a large number of followers have flocked to this location to live and ply their trades as they would on any other settled world. Among these pilgrims, however, are hidden spies and saboteurs, hired by those groups who are fed up with being gouged by the Exinorists. The number of organizations who would love to see Exinorist control over Sarodar broken is staggering. Unfortunately for them, the likelihood of internal change is practically nil, so many of them resort to espionage and covert ops to weaken the religion’s stranglehold. The authorities here are well aware that they have enemies, and have no shortage of fanatical devotees to call upon who are willing to give their lives to protect the religion’s interests.

Plot Hooks: The player of a Lamagos character gets to call the shots while the crew refuels at Sarodar; the party is hired to conduct a black ops mission against the Exinorists; the conversion of a former spy to the religion threatens to out other undercover operatives.


Planet Type: Terrestrial
Climate: Uncomfortably hot
Equatorial Circumference: 23,853 miles
Planetary Diameter: 7,593 miles
Major Industry: Precious metals/minerals
Government Type: Democracy
Population: 540,129,000
Rotation: 22 hours
Orbit: Approximately 1 Earth year

The first habitable world discovered by the Lamagos as they began their search for a new home, Ziolond was almost completely ignored after being found, since it was quickly rejected as a possible candidate for the Lamagos’ next homeworld. However, due to the stubbornness of the expeditionary team’s science officer, they did not leave without doing a thorough survey of the planet, including its geology; otherwise, they would never have known how rich the planet was in minable resources. This realization changed the scope of Lamagos space exploration very early on. It had been launched with the sole aim of finding a new home for their people, but the authorities on Lamag soon came to realize that, while not every world they came across would be suitable for mass migration, it did not mean these planets were useless to the Lamagos people. From then on, each planet the Lamagos encountered was thoroughly scanned to see what resources it could provide. Many scholars of history (most of them non-Lamagos) point to this, combined with the Lamagos racial attitude, as the foundation for their expansionist ideology and, thus, one of the factors that lead to the eventual creation of the Stellar Imperium.

This mining world is best known for its violent storms and intense heat. It is a planet that, ecologically speaking, is in its infancy. The abnormally high global temperature means that life has been slow to evolve here, and only the simplest forms of animal and plant life can be found. The oceans and rivers have a slightly higher biodiversity than can be found on land, but Ziolond has a relatively small aquatic environment, so even the waters aren’t exactly teeming with life. This fact has been a major cause for concern among biologists, since less diverse ecosystems are more prone to disruption from outside sources. Even a small population shift among a single species can throw such a delicate balance completely out of whack. While the colony was under the authority of the home planet (and later the Imperium), these scientists found a sympathetic ear with the ruling government, and regulations were in place to protect Ziolond’s fragile environment. Now, however, with the lack of oversight from a higher authority, the mining facilities here have taken to doing whatever they please to maximize profits. It will not be long before the effects of this will be noticeable.

Like many of the other worlds in Lamagos space, the people of Ziolond pride themselves for their toughness. Unlike the colder worlds, no one on Lamag has ever been under the illusion that this world would be a good candidate to relocate the population to. Most people are here because they need the work and they can tolerate the heat, while others have come to this planet because they found themselves in trouble on other worlds and Ziolond is a place where they get away without leaving Lamagos space entirely. This fact has not escaped the notice of the authorities of the surrounding systems, and while extradition has become more than problematic since the fall of the Imperium, many officials who desperately want to catch particularly wanted criminals have turned to the one thing that is still universally respected: credits. As such, many people who’ve grown up on Ziolond have quit their old jobs to offer their services as professional bounty hunters. Having grown up in and adapted to the harsh climate, they are much better suited to survive here than any of the renegades they are hired to apprehend. In fact, Ziolondian bounty hunters have garnered such a reputation for their resilience and tenacity, that they are being recruited for jobs all across settled space. Many are quite successful, and it is quickly coming to the point where the worst news a fugitive can receive is that he has a Ziolondian on his trail.

Plot Hooks: The party is hired to track down an escaped prisoner who has fled to Ziolond; a concerned environmentalist enlists the PC’s to sabotage a mining operation that is threatening the local ecology; an equipment failure at an agrofarm threatens to deprive a large segment of the population of food.