Sangor Systems

The fall of the Stellar Imperium proved more damaging to the Sangor than the other races. The Imperium had discovered them during their first great push for expansion, and later helped them advance to such an extent that Sangor worlds became wholly dependent upon Imperium assistance. The majority of Sangor worlds now lie in a state of squalor. Their planets are barely defended, their inhabitants are either out of work or earning such poor wages that it is common to see several families clustered together in small communal dwellings.

Governments vary considerably from one world to the next; most blaming each other for their own poor living conditions. There are frequent calls to unite under a single government, but lacking a mutually agreeable political system, negotiations have been unsuccessful.

Manufacturing and commerce continue despite generally poor conditions. While the Sangor knack for reverse-engineering technology generates some income, their reputation for producing items of poor quality and high rates of failure mean that people only buy their goods when they can afford nothing else. That said, the call for thrift in recent years has brought them a great deal of business, but profit margins are too low to effect an increase in the quality of life for beings living on Sangor worlds.

Many outsiders visit Sangorian space, particularly when conducting business that is illegal on most other worlds. The slave trade, trafficking of illicit substances, and debt avoidance are popular reasons that individuals find their way to these worlds. When someone asks what another person has been doing and that person replies that they’ve spent time in Sangor space, this is usually the polite way of saying that they’ve been causing or running from some sort of trouble. The Sangor have laws against such activities, however their extreme pacifist nature creates conditions where the authorities are easily bribed or simply eluded.



Planet Type: Rocky planet
Equatorial Circumference: 72,840 kilometers
Planetary Diameter: 23,190 kilometers
Major Industry: Metal/mineral mining
Government Type: Monarchy
Population: 52,008,440
Rotation: 20 hours
Orbit: Approximately .75 Earth Years

A large, rocky husk with no atmosphere, Codred orbits a white dwarf star. The presence of ancient ruins suggests the world had native life millions of years before the star became a red giant and burned off the atmosphere. It is now an excellent resource for metals of all sorts.

This world is larger than most that species choose to colonize. Codred’s gravity is twice that of Earth. When the world was first settled, the Sangor had yet to develop effective anti-gravity technology, so they created a space elevator to lift the metal they produced into space. Although the Sangor have been producing their own anti-gravity technology for some time now, the space elevator remains in use because it is cheap to maintain. Codred is ruled by the Grand Almayush of the main city of Terkaanan. He was born into his position and relies on his advisors to make important decisions since he has proven mostly incapable of comprehending complex problems and implementing wise solutions. As a result, advisors are competitive since whichever one can argue the longest and the loudest is normally the one the Almayush sides with. This has led to resentment and plots to eliminate favored advisors. These eliminations have taken the form of both political and literal assassinations. The inhabitants of Codred see the frequent turnover in the Almayush’s staff and know that their interests are not being represented, but they choose not to rise up against their leadership because of their passive nature.


Planet Type: Gas giant
Color: Orange and white striped
Equatorial Circumference: 1,539,000 kilometers
Planetary Diameter: 489,800 kilometers
Major Industry: Gas mining
Government Type: Democracy
Population: 67,295,000
Rotation: 20 hours
Orbit: Approximately 35 Earth years

Two gas-mining platforms exist in Corem’s upper atmosphere. These platforms have been in service for a number of years and are notorious for their outdated equipment that keeps breaking down and their high worker mortality rates. Most engineers recommend solving this problem by replacing their pumping equipment, but doing so would cut too deeply into the profits that allow them to continue operations, so they tolerate the situation.

Corem is ruled by a council of eleven, five of which are selected from each mining platform and then one serves as the spokesperson and casts tiebreaking votes. Most Sangor know that this council is self-serving, even if it rarely crosses the line into corruption. There is frequently talk of reform, but most acknowledge that it will be difficult to overcome the fact that only those who can afford to run a campaign will be elected, ensuring that only the elite will hold office. Others have proposed a new populist form of government, but without exception, the current sitting elected officials have spoken against such a move.


Planet Type: Terrestrial
Climate: Warm and arid
Equatorial Circumference: 38,740 kilometers
Planetary Diameter: 12,330 kilometers
Major Industry: Precious metals/minerals
Government Type: Socialist
Population: 500,323,000
Rotation: 36 hours
Orbit: Approximately 3 Earth years

With its long days and desert climate, it takes a special breed to make a living on this world. Since the major trade here is metal and mineral mining, most find their way here if they cannot tolerate the bleak conditions and lack of atmosphere on Codred.

The government on this world was initially established through a popular vote, but the ruling party has appointed every official since then. To its credit, every citizen of Cuibre is allotted exactly the same resources by the government, including government officials. Unfortunately, this means that every citizen lives in apartment dwellings that house six Sangor. The only exceptions to this are the ones who have off-world interests. Although they are taxed heavily on their income, many can afford to own their own dwellings.


Planet Type: Terrestrial
Climate: Earth normal
Equatorial Circumference: 39,060 kilometers
Planetary Diameter: 12,430 kilometers
Major Industry: Research and development
Government Type: Anarchy
Population: 8,226,367,497
Rotation: 26 hours
Orbit: Approximately 1.5 Earth years

Sangorlai is the Sangor homeworld. Like most of the Sangor worlds, the economy on Sangorlai is severely depressed. Due to the sheer number of Sangor on the planet, estimates are that nearly a billion are currently homeless. Worse, the Sangor government fell along with the Stellar Imperium, so there is nobody in charge to take care of all the homeless. Fortunately, the Sangor are charitable, almost to a fault, so basic needs such as food and health care are often met.

The lack of central authority makes it especially easy for anyone to hide on this planet. Numerous individuals of all different races come here for exactly that reason. Many take jobs here, and most of the employers make a point of not asking about an individual’s past, so long as they show up for work and don’t steal from them. Sangorlai’s defenses are effectively nonexistent, which has many worried about the R’Tillek. The few wealthy corporations here are rumored to have warships hidden away somewhere in case of an attack, but many dismiss that as wishful thinking and misplaced trust in big businesses, which have routinely proven themselves untrustworthy.


Planet Type: Gas giant
Color: Solid blue
Equatorial Circumference: 374,000 kilometers
Planetary Diameter: 119,100 kilometers
Major Industry: Gas mining
Government Type: Socialist Republic
Population: 17,800
Rotation: 14 hours
Orbit: Approximately 15 Earth years

Yalara is one of the few worlds that still actually has a relatively high standard of living and hospitable working conditions. The government takes all of the money generated from the sale of gases and reinvests much of it in warships to defend the planet and worker compensation. The two gas mining platforms in the atmosphere here are supported by a space station that lies at the gravitational halfway point between Yalara and its largest moon, Santari. Many of the workers have quarters on the station, working on the mining platform for two or three days and then spending the remainder of their time in the more comfortable quarters aboard the station.

Pakfiquest station is one of the most well-patrolled locations in all of Sangor space. Established laws dictate acceptable conduct, how many outsiders are allowed in, and how long they can stay. Pakfiquest station is a popular stopover point for travelers going to the Frontier Systems and generates a great deal of revenue for the system.

The government of Yalara is socialist republic that is composed of elected officials who make all administrative decisions for the people. The current chief administrator is Yinfarash, a popular Sangor politician who ran on a platform of attracting more outside traders and raising the existing visitor caps. This is expected to increase revenue by billions of credits every year, although it is also expected to increase the crowding and crime.


Planet Type: Terrestrial
Climate: Mostly frozen
Equatorial Circumference: 28,720 kilometers
Planetary Diameter: 9,143 kilometers
Major Industry: Colony
Government Type: Socialist
Population: 469,272,709
Rotation: 32 hours
Orbit: Approximately 5 Earth years

This small frozen world represents the Sangor’s attempt to terraform an otherwise hostile world. The five cities on the planet are domed, sitting one hundred and thirty meters above Zilon’s frozen surface. Great atmospheric processors have been placed throughout the planet, dumping massive amounts of carbon dioxide into the air in an effort to raise temperatures to the point where the world outside of the domes is hospitable. Temperatures are up by ten degrees, to minus twelve degrees Celsius, which has caused melting along the equator, but the colony has a great deal of work left to do before atmospheric conditions are within a tolerable range. Zilon is the leading importer of liquid CO2, providing many planets that have pollution problems a guilt-free place to offload the harmful gases that they remove from their atmospheres.

Each of the five cities is densely populated, and the vast majority of the population work in the terraforming industries, or in the service industries that support the numerous departments that are conducting this massive undertaking. This is one world that currently costs more to inhabit than what it generates in revenue, but they overcome this limitation through the donations of thousands of scientific organizations throughout known space. Sangorlai had funded it prior to the collapse of the Imperium, but since the homeworld no longer has a functioning government, Zilon was forced to turn to others for continued funding. The contributing organizations are contractually obligated to continue funding until the expected completion date twenty-five years from now.